
McLean Art Society

Monthly Meetings

MAS Monthly Meeting

Meets every 4th Friday of the month starting in September through May. The session below were held or are planned for this year with more to come.

The McLean Community Center is located at 1234 Ingleside Avenue in McLean, VA. This event is free and open to the public, and all ages are welcome to attend.

September 27  10:00 am

General Membership was in person at MCC. Come hear about what is happening with our new website, where YOU control your own gallery. Plus, there will be great demonstrations—the best chance to see real art being created!!

Bryan Jernigan

Ever feel like your abstract work is too tight? Never really tried abstract and don’t know      where to start? National award-winning abstractionist Bryan Jernigan will show you one helpful painting exercise that engages your fingers, wrist, elbow and shoulder to loosen you up and allow you to make bigger, bolder gestural marks in acrylic. The result allows you to see what your work could look like larger and looser. The exercise on paper takes between 30-45 minutes and doesn’t necessarily result in finished work (who can do that in 45 minutes?), but it can send you on a path that enhances your work for years to come. Jernigan even does this exercise when he’s not inspired to paint or when he’s trying unlikely color combinations to see if he can get them to work better together. Come, see his technique for using your whole body to create more expressive abstracts!